List of Team Building Activities
1. Create a virtual office/break room
One of the biggest elements that separate remote teams from in-house teams is the simple chats that happen on the office floor. These happen so naturally in the office; you might think nothing of them at all – but they’re actually huge team-building blocks.
Thankfully, you can recreate this remotely, and there are a few options to facilitate this kind of team building.
Firstly, you can set up a virtual office. This is where your teams log on in the morning and work like normal over video. This means that casual conversation can flow while your teams are working and employees can feel motivated by seeing each other hard at work.
If you don’t feel that this option is right for your team – it might be too large for example – you could try a virtual break room like Teamland. This would be somewhere that your team members can log in and join over their lunch or tea break, letting them catch up as they would in the office.
To make these efforts work, the team manager will need to be sure to encourage the use of these, so the virtual spaces really feel like a community and become a part of the normal remote working day.
2. Start doing tours of remote working locations
A great way to get to know someone better is by taking a quick look inside their home.
Before weekly meetings, ask team members to take turns doing a short tour of their house or remote working space over video. Pointing out some of their favorite items in their home – whether it’s an impressive Disney DVD collection or a well-loved guitar, helps to paint a picture of who that person is.
These tours help members of the team to get to know each other better and allow them to bond over any mutual interests. It also gives a bit of light-hearted relief to the working day, bonding the team together further.
3. Hold virtual company events
Companies really feel like a team when everyone comes together for company-wide events and meetings. So, make sure you don’t miss these out from your remote schedule!
With virtual company events, you should run them in the same way as you would a physical event. Have an agenda, a host, different speakers, and the opportunity to ask questions. The only difference is everyone joins in over video.
This really helps to bring the whole team together and feel proud and excited about the company they work for.
4. Start a ‘good news’ conversation
It can get lonely working remotely and sometimes you need a little bit of non-work-related good news to brighten up your day.
By creating a ‘good news’ conversation channel, you give your team members an outlet to share things that have happened to them that made them happy. For example, a coworker could share that they’ve been able to get their toddler to eat vegetables after a long period of resistance or someone has just played a great song and it boosted their mood.
Whatever it is, sharing good news can be a great conversation starter and lets teams feel closer as they celebrate each other's small successes.

5. Encourage recognition
One of the key benefits of being part of a team is having the support of your team members to keep you going, combined with their celebration of your achievements. But you have to nurture this when your team is remote as you’re not there to say thank you in person.
Having a reward and recognition platform can be a great way to ensure that recognition becomes a part of everyday life. Our Recognition platform allows everyone to get involved in the celebration of good work – as appreciation from your peers can be just as meaningful as praise from your boss.
When employees celebrate and appreciate each other's hard work, it brings the team together, no matter where they’re based.
6. Set friendly challenges
A little competition never hurt anyone (or any team) – in fact, it brings them closer together.
Set up challenges for your teams to give them a group goal to work towards.
A great option for this is a fitness challenge. Not only does this bring some fun rivalry, but it also boosts well-being – a win-win situation!
Set a goal that can be easily tracked through your team’s phones. For example, a challenge of who can walk the most steps in a month, or if you are a slightly more active team, it could be a goal for distance running or jogging in the month. Some of the athletic members of the Perkbox team have introduced a remote running club, through the app Strava, to see who can run the most miles over a certain period!
This gives something for colleagues to chat about and the friendly competition will bring them closer together.
If that doesn’t seem like your team's thing, you can set polls on Perkbox Recognition and the whole team can vote for a winner. You can set a poll for anything you choose and they’re a great way to give everyone something to work towards while building team morale at the same time.
7. Introduce ‘show and learn’ sessions
Every single member of your team will have a unique skill or talent that the rest of the team would benefit from learning more about.
Create time for employees to take turns to teaching their teams something new, in an informal way. Not only does this help to share skills and knowledge around the team, but it also allows the team to take an interest in the skills of one another and appreciate their knowledge!
This really helps remote team members to get to know the specialties of others, which also allows for better collaboration and stronger results from projects in the future.
8. Send ‘daily snapshots’
A really simple way to make teams stronger is with the ‘daily snapshot’ idea. Every day encourage colleagues to post a picture of something, whether it’s what they had for lunch, or the new jumper they are wearing and loving.
Teams can then comment on the pictures and it really gets a conversation going. It’s a simple way to have a non-work related chat every day and bond team members through a regular insight into their lives. Side note - not everyone on the team has to send a picture every day but make sure at least one is posted to keep this a regular talking point.
You might even end up being excited about what you’re going to post as it becomes part of your routine!
9. Use Donut for Slack
Sometimes it can be easy to fall into the routine of chatting with the people that you regularly work with and rarely branching out to chat with those within your team, but outside of your close colleagues.
Donut is a great application for Slack, which pairs you up with a random member of your team every 1-4 weeks (you can change the frequency). You can then meet for a virtual coffee and get to know each other a little better! It’s a great way to get to know people that you don’t work directly with on a regular basis, and it really helps to build relationships among the whole team.
If you don’t have Slack, another option is for managers to put team names into a hat and pull out pairs to have a virtual coffee or meetup that week.

10. Bring the Friday feeling to the whole team
After a long working week, by the time it gets to Friday, most of your team members will just want to kick back with a cold beverage. So why not drink them together? Host this last thing on a Friday so it’s still technically in work (albeit at the very end) and ensures that all members of the team are around to socialize.
In the Perkbox marketing team, they use this time to look through the recognitions that the team has given to each other in the past week. This helps to end the week on a high and gives everyone a chance to connect before the weekend comes.
11. “Can You Hear Me Now?”
More than just a soundcheck, Can You Hear Me Now is one of the best online games for virtual teams. You play this game in a virtual conference room and nominate one person to be the speaker and the rest are artists. The speaker uses a random image generator you can find online to source a suitable image, and the goal is to describe that image in such a way that the artists can draw it successfully.
The one guideline that makes this task challenging is that you speaker must only use geometric shapes. For example, you could say “draw a large circle and then their equidistant triangles” but not “write the letter E.” By limiting instructions to geometric shapes and positions, the speaker needs to exercise extremely accurate communication skills, and the artists need to listen and interpret. This game is a proxy for effective online communication and is also just really fun.
12. “Guess the Emoji Board” Here is how you play:
Create a list of players and distribute this to each player.
Each person has up to five minutes to guess the five most-used emojis by each person on the list.
Reveal the answers and award points for accuracy, getting the emojis in the correct order, and similar.
Prizes optional
Guess the Emoji Board is one of the quick games you can play virtually and will entertain your team for a quick amount of time. We recommend adding the game to an existing event or virtual call instead of making it the main event.
13. That’s Right Bob
That’s Right Bob is one of the quick online team building games you can play with remote workers who are interested in improv. The game simulates everyone on your team working at the same news station, and in particular one that has a wild and creative story to tell.
The first person to go shares a simple news story with no more than a sentence or two, “there was a cat up in the tree.” The next person states, “that’s right Rob”, repeats the original line, and then adds to it, “there was a cat up in the tree, and it was having a very bad day.” Each person continues to add to the story in this way until the story becomes unbearably long or the organizer calls for a commercial break.
That’s Right Bob is a unique way to engage your team and helps people speak and share in a creative way that has structure and predictability to it. This format is also one of the easiest games you can play virtually because it is sequential and has simple guidelines.

14. Werewolf
First, each player draws a card that indicates a role: werewolf, villager, medic, or seer. For a remote game, you could use a random generation tool and send each person the role in a private message. Werewolves eat other players, villagers vote on who they think is a werewolf, medics can rescue a player from the jaws of near-death and seers can reveal a player’s status as a wolf or not.
Once each one of your remote workers has a role, the game master announces that night has fallen, and everyone closes their eyes and does a pitter-patter drum roll for something fun to do and to mask other sounds. The game master then calls the werewolves to wake up, select one victim, then go back to sleep. Next, the medic wakes up, points to a person to save and then sleeps again. Finally, the seer points to one person to reveal whether they are a wolf or not, and the game master nods yes or no to confirm. After all of the special roles have taken action, the game master then announces it is morning and reveals whether the wolves successfully ate a villager. Usually, one villager dies in the night, with the exception of the occasional save by a medic.
The survivors debate who the werewolf is, and then vote to either eliminate someone or skip the round. Anyone that dies or is removed from the game becomes a silent ghost, and can no longer speak or otherwise participate in the game. Repeat this process until only villagers or wolves remain.
Werewolf is great for virtual team building games because it fuels a lot of discussions. Your team will love it.
15. Exciting Sponge
The exciting sponge is a quick and easy storytelling game that you can use for remote team building. To play on virtual team calls, each team member grabs a random object at arm’s length and creates a story about it, or can default to describing a generic sponge. The goal is to exaggerate the truth about what makes that object amazing. For example, if someone picked up an alarm clock, they could say “this is a relic from the past and someday Indian Jones 2.0, AI edition, will travel back in time and snatch it up for a museum collection.” Exciting Sponge is to remote team building activities, as regular sponges are to be washing the dishes; not necessarily essential, but pretty darn useful.
16. Pub Trivia for Virtual Teams
Your team can’t go to the pub together, but they can still do pub trivia and similar virtual happy hour games. For these video conference games, invite everyone to a call and let them know they can bring a pint of their favorite brew; whether that beverage is tea, beer, or wine. Then, a host organizes everyone into smaller teams and reads out questions. Participants must answer as a team, and each correct answer wins points. You can do themed trivia like Netflix shows, musical clues, and science facts.
17. Coworker Feud
Like the TV classic Family Feud, Coworker Feud is a digital version specifically for online team building for remote teams. One person, typically the host, does research on a variety of prompts. For example, you can aggregate numbers related to animals, human behavior, food preferences, and the solar system. An alternative is that you can send a survey out to your team members and their families, and then use the answers from these surveys as your data source.
Then, on a virtual team call, you play the game following the same rules as the show. For example, a lead member of each team is the speaker and buzzer and can consult with their team on answers. The teams take turns guessing at the most common answers. In the end, the team with the most points wins.
18. Virtual Team Jeopardy
Jeopardy is more than just the second-greatest game show in history, it is the perfect framework for virtual team building games/activities. Like some of the other online team games on this list, you can either find pre-built games or do the research to build your own. As you put your scoreboard together, remember to include fun elements like double jeopardy.
For virtual game day, let your team know you are going to be playing Jeopardy and that the purpose is for it to be remote team building. By setting these expectations everyone on your team will know what they are attending. You can upgrade the event with actual prizes you send out to winners.
19. Bucket list challenge
Host an online/video conference and give all your employees five minutes to think about what would make their bucket list – what are some things they would love to do in their lifetime? Then have everyone go around and share their list. If you have employees who share the same activities, you can challenge them to work on it together! Like, running a marathon – if you have employees who live in the same city or have marathons at the same time in different cities or states, ask them to hold each other accountable to finish the marathon! They can push one another and can check in on each other’s progress.
Whenever you need a cool icebreaker, turn to the Bucket List Challenge as the team-building game for remote workers. It can be fun to hear what other people want to achieve, maybe some have ticked off an item and can share their experiences with the rest of the team.

20. Movie Night
Have employees vote on what movie they want to watch and stream the movie through a video conference call. Be sure to keep the instant messaging open so that team members can make remarks while watching the movie. Team members can share a joke and bond over the movie while also offering an opportunity to relax and unwind.
21. The Desert Island Scenario
In this virtual team building game, group members are given a scenario where they’re stranded on a deserted island with seven objects – but they can only grab three.
Make these objects as obscure and challenging as possible so that your team members are forced to really use critical thinking and planning.
Examples of items are a bag of fruit and vegetable seeds, a pocket knife, a 100 ft rope, a bedsheet, a bucket, 2 liters of kerosene, pen and paper, and so on.
Then split the team into small groups and allow them to collaborate on which items they want to pick. Once all discussions have finished, get onto a team video chat, and discuss the results.
Activities and exercises like this force team members to see each other as teammates and can lead to healthy competition and excitement within the team.
Such games and exercises also demonstrate how working together helps a team achieve better results, and can help virtual workers learn how to collaborate without being in the same room.
22. Personal facts guessing game
In the first step, the manager asks each team member to share some personal facts with them.
These facts will then be compiled into a document that’s shared with each individual on the team. Next to each personal fact, there’s an empty column where each employee will have to guess which team member the fact belongs to!
Not only can this icebreaker game be hilarious, but it is a great way to develop successful team cohesion and camaraderie. Once all the guesses have been submitted, an answer key will be provided so that team members can see how well they guessed
This activity can also take place live on a group video chat.
The facilitator will have the sheet open on a digital whiteboard on their computer and will share their screen while employees try to guess the answers. As each answer is guessed, the facilitator can follow along, putting answers into the empty column.
23. Picture Sharing
Picture-sharing activities help your icebreaker team bond in no time. It can facilitate laughter and surprising responses that will leave employees feeling happy and connected.
Set aside a designated time, perhaps at the beginning of each meeting, for a team member to share one personal photo that is unrelated to work. This photo can contain pets, hobbies, gadgets, family members, etc.
Then have the team member explain the photo such as what’s going on there and why they chose it
Remember, allowing team members to share part of their personal lives makes teamwork more fun and can bring a new element of camaraderie to the workplace.
24. Playing cards
Hop on this platform and play a variety of card games synchronously with your team. Doing something as commonplace as playing cards with your remote team helps cultivate the sense of normalcy that makes distance disappear.
25. Remote Scavenger Hunt
Since you will not be able to plant items for people to physically find, your best bet is creating a list of subjective, goal-based items.
Here are some example prompts:
· Find the item that makes you feel the happiest.
· Find an item attached to a powerful memory.
· Find your favorite way to connect to others.
Have teammates log and photograph their answers. Eventually, the team can share these logs via email or snail mail.
26. Offline Fitness Challenge
Have everyone on the team vow to complete a fitness challenge. The challenge might be completing a certain workout every day or even achieving a specified fitness goal. As you all complete the challenges independently, you’ll know you’re not truly alone.

27. Collaborative craft project
Select a collaborative craft project, such as a mosaic of painted rocks or a paper quilt, and ask everyone to create one piece independently. When you can get together to assemble the larger project, you will be delighted to see how all the individual displays of creativity come together.
28. Gif Battle
This team-building game is an amazing Just-for-Laughs experience and the only thing you will need is a Trello Board!
You will have 4 rounds each with a separate theme, Use to search for a gif that best fits the theme of the round.
When all team members attach their gifs, it’s time to vote for the best entry! The ultimate winner after 4 rounds will be crowned ruler of Gifs.
29. Birth Map
Create Google maps and have everyone on your team place a marker on the location they were born! Ask them to add a description talking about their favorite thing from their birthplace, it’s a great way to get to know your team!
30. Personality Tests
Whether it is the Myers Briggs, 16 personalities, or Buzzfeed, personality tests are a great way to get to know yourself and those around you! Try it! Have everyone on the team take a personality quiz and have fun seeing which coworkers are similar, who compliments each other, and who oppose each other. It may even help you when pairing people up in the future!
31. Virtual Book Club
Take a break from your screen!
Pick a book that everyone on the team can read in a month, and set a time when everyone can talk about it. This will be a well-opt activity for those who enjoy a good book.
32. Cat Chat
If the age of the internet has taught us anything, it's that most people like cats! Cat videos and cat pictures are found at the bottom of many of our youtube and Instagram rabbit holes, so why not bring them to light?
Have a dedicated slack channel for posting all things cats! Be careful not to spend all your time there though!
33. Painting workshop!
That’s right many companies, such as Teamland, that host online painting workshops. So get a coffee and get your team, set a time, and join in!
You don’t need to be Picasso to pick up a brush, and if some do not have the materials, some of these companies even offer to send some materials at an additional cost. You can then set up silly awards to display your team’s amazing artwork!
34. Monopoly Online!
That’s right! It is a thing. Gather those who are interested together (which is everyone), download the app, and get rolling. As an avid player of Monopoly, I can tell you that monopoly games usually last a while, so it’s a great game spread out over a week or a month. Play 1 hr a day with the team or have a dedicated session a week. But be careful Monopoly has the power to make and break friendships!
35. Group Projects
That’s right! It's something we all have experienced at one point in time back at school, but group projects are a great way to help teammates bond. Plan an interesting group project whether it directly benefits your company or not and see what your team can do when splitting up into several teams. Then have a dedicated day to present the group project to everyone!
36. Mukbang
Popularized in Korea, “mukbang” translates into English as something like “eating broadcast.”
While it’s now a trendy YouTube fad, at its core, it’s a way for viewers to share a meal with a friend, or at least feel like they are.
You can have one teammate lead the mukbang by sharing a dish from their culture and talking about it while they eat. Or, you can turn it into an interactive dinner, where everyone eats a meal together while talking about their respective dishes.
37. JackBox games
As soon as one person purchases a game pack, your team can choose any screen-sharing platform and start playing games that test your wits (Quiplash), let you ask crazy hypothetical questions (Split the Room), create wacky word clouds (Word Spud) and so much more.
38. Drone Racing League Simulator
Get competitive with your teammates as you race each other in this sophisticated simulator. Just purchase the game and use Steam’s Remote Play function to start playing with your team over the internet.
38. Fortnite
If a teenager can win millions, playing this game in a worldwide tournament, there is no reason why your team can’t get in on the fun too.
That’s right, for those who are interested in trying out the online multiplayer experience this could be great to both compete against each other and collaborate as your teams stand, literally against the world!

39. Minecraft
On the topic of online games, there has been a huge resurfacing in Minecraft. Have your team build and create structures in a never-ending world of creativity.
40. Lunch and Learn
Invite someone to teach a skill, work-related or otherwise, while everyone shares a meal. Maybe your HR manager can talk about effective communication skills for leaders, or your engineering lead can teach an Intro to Python class. You can also select an external speaker from our Teamland Experiences.
41. Series Night
A variation of Movie night where your team gathers together to watch a popular series. It may even be a better option for some over the movie night as it is something you can regularly watch over time as the season progresses. Maybe you have that one colleague who has never seen the Game of Thrones, The Big Bang Theory, or Empire. Either way, it’s an amazing time to come together and catch up!
42. The desk photo contest
We love looking at our coworkers' desks. It might be a simple team-building activity, but it can reveal so much about a person’s personality and daily life.
This is how the activity works. You ask your remote employees to snap a photo of their desks and share them with the team. Get the person to post the photo on a Slack channel together with a short story about an accessory on their desk.
This is an easy and amazing way for team members to get to know each other better.
43. Online Team Bingo
Online Team Building Bingo is a fun game you can play to engage remote workers. You start with a virtual bingo board that has a number of action items or accomplishments on it. For example, when you hear someone say “sorry, I was on mute!” you can mark that spot off on your board, and similar for “wearing pajama bottoms to a video meeting.”
Bingo is a classic game that most people are familiar with, and the version for remote teams is a quick, easy, and free way to get started with virtual team building
You could also play Bingo on the Teamland app that's all built-in.
44. Origami Zoo
For upcoming remote team building activities, mail each of your team members a pack of origami paper, or have them cut squares from the printer or notebook paper instead. Then, start building an origami zoo.
Each day or each week, the organizer can teach the team a new origami animal. For example, you make cranes, frogs, penguins, bears, and a host of others. Team members can place the origami animals on the work desk, and build up a replica zoo over a few weeks or months.

45. Virtual Pub Crawl
One way people get together in the real world is in pub crawls, where you all go to a pub for a drink and then move on to the next one. You can do a fun virtual equivalent of pub crawls for remote team building activities too.
Here is how the Virtual Pub Crawl works:
- Join a virtual meeting or conference call with your team members.
- Everyone goes to an interesting website and chats about the content over a drink.
- Every 15 minutes move to a new website.
46. Typing Speed Race
Typing speed races are free virtual team building activities that you can start right now. To begin, take a typing test using or similar. Then, post your results on your company message board or by email. The more competitive members of your team will reply with results quickly and others will follow.
You can then launch fun virtual challenges by hosting a typing speed relay, which is when you form squads and add up the cumulative scores to see which team wins.
47. Caricature Competition
Most people on your team probably don’t draw particularly well, which is what makes this virtual team building activity fun. For the event, arrange your people into small groups of two or three people. Give each team 15 minutes for each person on the team to draw one other person on their team. At the end of the 15 minutes, bring everyone into a main virtual meeting, and play a guessing game for which drawing is who.
48. Make a video challenge
This is a fun challenge to test your team's creativity and help people learn a new editing.
Select a theme for the month and have the team make a video around that theme, the only rule is that you have to base the video on places inside the house and on the internet, you’ll be surprised what people come up with!
There are many free video editing tools, from iMovie for mac lovers to windows movie makers for PC people, as well as more complex programs for both parties such as DaVinci Resolve. Try it out!
49. Gardening Challenge
For a one-month competition, have your team members plant and cultivate a “scrappy garden” from scratch. The competitors can sow seeds from fruit snacks, propagate vegetables, and otherwise do what it takes to grow a garden. By the end of the month, two things happen. First, you see who has got mad gardening skills, and second, you’ve made participants' desks a little greener.
50. Virtual Team Yoga
Sitting at the desk 24/7 tends to tense up the body so why not encourage the team to try yoga and stretch their bodies out?
You can either follow a youtube video or have a Teamland Expert Yogi lead the session, but month to month, it will be great to see the team progress in their flexibility!

51. Remote Tai-chi
Similar to the benefits of doing neck stretches, tai chi is a light and effective exercise that will help limber up your body as you settle into remote work. One of the major advantages of tai chi is that it is a series of gentle movements that is accessible to many people. You don’t have to contort your body into difficult poses or lift heavy things, you just have to feel your energy and the air and move with it.
Tai-chi practiced regularly, can be a great way to get your blood flowing. One way to create more of a virtual team-building experience around this exercise is to make it an ongoing competition. Each team member tracks how many days in a row they complete the exercise, and the longest chain wins a small prize. You can also do a squad version where you set the competition for 30 days, and see which team does the most tai chi sessions in total. This second option can help bring out the spirit of more competitive team members.
52. Virtual Museum Tours
Many prominent museums offer virtual tours of their exhibits. Your team can join a group video chat on Skype or Zoom, and one person can share their screen and start the virtual tour.
53. Collaborative Podcasts
Do you and the team talk about podcasts? Chances are you do. Podcasts are such an entertaining way to fill up your time with knowledge. You can listen to a podcast when you're walking your dog, commuting, or enjoying a midday rest.
So, why not create a collaborative podcast list? create a Slack #podcasts channel where everyone will get the chance to share a podcast they love.
54. Team Podcast
The next step from listing all your beloved podcasts is to actually try making one. We are living in a very unique right now which may not come about again, so why not as a team document your experience around a podcast? Pick a theme that you all would like (now that you have played all the get-to-know-you games listed above, this will be really easy) and start! Who knows you may even be able to build an audience as amazing as all of you reading this post!
55. Words with Friends
The classic word game is known and beloved all over the world. There is an app version named “Words with Friends”. You can organize team matches, grouping your colleagues together and making make them collaborate. Everyone should stay in touch but it won’t be a complicated thing. It may be as simple as playing a game at the end of the workday.
Every participant gets tiles with letters that should be combined to create words. The team that gets the most points wins.
56. Zoom Stand-Up Comedy Night
It is well known that comedy is the best medicine, so let’s take it as a team. This activity is an amazing way to have fun, whilst getting to know and bonding with your co-workers. This activity is really simple! At the start of every week, create a new challenge or theme for the joke. For example, jokes about office habits, rival companies or food. To keep it relaxed and fun, set up a Slack channel just for this and start every week with a new joke challenge.
You can also get an award-winning comedian to lead your team through a comedy & improv night. See more in our experiences.
57. X or Y?
This is a great activity that gets everyone talking and allows for different types of interactions depending on the topic. This is how it works! Every week pick a different ‘X or Y?’ and post this question in a slack channel, or whichever other form of communication you use. Questions can vary from cats or dogs, to PC or Mac, or even kindle or physical books. It’s up to you and your team, the most important thing is to make sure everyone on your team gets a chance to speak.

58. Round Robin Recognition
If you have taken the time to read through this entire list, thank you! This list attempts to be as diverse as possible so that teams can have multiple options that fit the different personalities of your team. This last activity though, in my view is one of the most essential for team bonding and collaboration.
All too often, we forget the contribution we make to our work and need a gentle reminder from either ourselves or from others that we are actually good at what we do, and this activity is the perfect way to remind everyone!
At the beginning of a zoom call or whatever platform you use for virtual team meetings, get every team member to share two shoutouts:
- One for something they did amazing this week
- One for something another team member did
The shout does not need to be a big thing, it can be something simple or small. The most important thing is that it is honest and genuine, from always being on top of emails to being the go-to person for debugging zoom issues, that small compliment can go a long way in bettering someone’s day.
The world continues to grow and change, I’m sure if you told someone even 30 years ago that there would be a time when a whole team would be working and communicating from their homes, they would call you crazy and yet here we are. There has never been a time like what we are all living in right now, and who knows how things will change in the future so why waste time staying home alone? Connect! Use the tools that we now have to build strong and lasting relationships. Although we have no control over what may come in the future, we have more than enough power to make a change today!
Go forth and play!